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It's hard for me to believe that the 40th anniversary of the publication of my first book BUSYBODY NORA has taken place. In 1976, when the book was published, it told about five year old Nora who lived in a New York City apartment building. Now all these years later, the book is still available (Harper Trophy paperback) and amazingly Nora is still five years old. I can't offer you a slice of birthday cake or a party bag with souvenirs to take home, but if you read BUSYBODY NORA, I can promise you a chance to make friends with a lively young girl who will make you laugh. Other books about Nora, her younger brother Teddy, and their neighbors Russell, Elisa and Mrs. W. are available as ebooks via Amazon. Happy Birthday to Nora and happy reading to everyone!



Speaking Schedule 2019 - 2023


March 26, 2019 Speaking at Bais Yaakov, Flatbush, Brooklyn


March 27, 2019 (snow date March 28) Speaking at East Street School in Hicksville, New York


June 6, 2019  Speaking at Watson School in Rockville Centre, New York 


November 13, 2019 Speaking Be'er Hagolah Brooklyn, NY


January 13, 2020 (snow date Jan.14) Yeshivat Noam, Paramus, New Jersey


February 5. 2020  P.S. 91,  Brooklyn, NY


February 14, 2020  P.S. 145 Brooklyn, NY




December 16, 2020 P.S. 193, Brooklyn, NY via Zoom. A program for 192 1st and 2nd graders



May 6, 2021 program sheduled by Queensboro Public Library at 5PM




November 22, 2023 - P.S. 86, Brooklyn